Released in 1993, the WWF Hasbro Series 7 Shawn Michaels Yellow Card action figure is a prized possession for many wrestling figure collectors. This figure captures “The Heartbreak Kid” during one of his most iconic eras.
The figure itself is well-made, with detailed sculpting and bright colors that accurately reflect Michaels’ ring gear. It also features Hasbro’s signature “Real Wrestling Action” move, allowing you to recreate some of Michaels’ most famous maneuvers.
Loose figures are fairly common, but a mint on card (MOC) figure can be quite valuable. The condition of the card and figure will significantly impact the price.
Whether you’re a die-hard Shawn Michaels fan or a collector of vintage wrestling figures, the WWF Hasbro Series 7 Shawn Michaels figure is a must-have item.